Support, I really like your channel, screw all the haters!
Yesss been waiting for this. Thanks!
Top 5 voters for May?
Was In May's top 5 voters, still waiting for Cyp to wake from his slumber to reward me...
Yep I better get my first rank for it
Your ingame name: NolanPlayz The offender's exact ingame name: Zuhfreak1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He/She tried to...
How can I get in contact with Cyp? He wont respond on the forums, and Ive messaged him so much, and he wont respond when I see him in game.
@Matt ^^^?
@Matt doesnt Cyp now run the list for the top 5 list? Maybe you can get him to add one to my name since it didnt work. If not though, thanks for...
@Matt well, is there any way I could get my vote counted on the voters list?
Also, forgot to mention, I didn't vote on any other server today either.
NolanPlayz Whole server I haved voted very other day this month, but today when I voted, it said I must waited ttomorrow before voting again even...
Yes I am well thanks, how are you?
Doing great, thanks ;)
Heyyy, havnt been on in a long time, I remember you were one of my favourite staff. Hows life?
Hey, havnt been on in a long time, how are ya? I remember the good ol' days when I always got you to ban my hackers.
Off Minecraft for 6 months, come back and alot of hackers to get banned, thanks to the staff who just come and ban them. <3<3<3