Where you at?
My IGN: Eddieboy360 Offenders IGN: elparquistador Rule broken: Advertising another server on the lobby Evidence:
No problem man. You will make a great mod!
Y'all are such bandwagons. Smh
No support.. Reasons stated
Yay Smiley! Gratz on mod bro!
My ign: Eddieboy360 offenders ign: True2Mine rule broken: hacking using kill aura evidence: [MEDIA]
When they say "add more information" but the others have less and still get supported xd
My ign: Eddieboy360 Offenders ign: GarySinatra Rule broken: hacking using kill aura and anti knockback Evidence:[MEDIA] Thanks for your time <3
How come people support apps that are not as good and dont support apps that are better?