Don't bump threads older then 3 months. Also the owner of the thread had his account deleted.
When is skyblock resetting?
Thanks <3
Pile, I need cyp :/
Grats, I knew you could do it.
Welcome to the team ;)
Grats, I knew this would happen :D
Cyp, I need you on forums it's about a donor rank. @Pile @CypriotMerks
are clowns banned in usa?
no we don't need it. Just record when you want anyone can, no permission needed
nooooo. rip
#Pile in action!!
welcome :/
o hai there.
Welcome to the forums
Support :D
Neutral :) idk reasons :/
No support, good luck. Get active member on forums I don't see you play (timezones??) Try to get 400-700 messages, not 58 messages. Do more reports