Hey, I have a suggestion for skywars. I think it would be cool to add a ranking/leveling up system similar to infection where you can level up...
So, I heard that Mineverse might be restarting, and I just wanted to ask "Do you keep your donator rank once it restarts?" :P
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. shahinking 3. Spamming me, swearing at me and hacking (don't have evidence for that yet, I will post another form when i...
Your ingame name: SuperMegaBuilder The offender's ingame name: MgamingBG A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They flew back...
I think we should have a maze runner minigame on the server, because it's an incredibly fun minigame and would get people who love the maze runner...
So what tv shows do you guys watch? I'm asking because I love tv shows and I'm watching them all the time, I want to find some new good tv shows,...
Hey, my IGN is SuperMegaBuilder (Ik ik, crap name, but i made it like 3 years ago and I can't change it :/). Just started on this server today,...