No Support: -Huge lack of info -Grammer mistakes -Lies about age (I have him on Skype and he is 10 or 11 (I'm not quite sure))
Its not lies, trust me. Ask people of my reaction when I came on and found my name NoobCrew___ I agree with you with some things, I disagree with...
I'm only mean to people online if they are being mean to me, it's self-defence.
Thank you for cleaning that up.
How is MrScuffyPlayz not original :O
I'll make a timetable, I just edited it but I have to go now, bye
I changed my password and changed my gmail, I wont get hacked, trust me
That's a form of discrimination :(
I totally agree with you, its the next day and I don't think that my app was very good, I'll edit it and then maybe reconsider
Okay thanks :D
Maybe you will reconsider when I have finished editing.
Why no support? Please can you give a reason, I want to improve it.
True dat
Okay, I will ask someone to remove these two, and make a better one taking information from both and making it longer, more info about me ect. thanks
Thanks for the help, I made a new one which is for Infection and KitPvP which is longer and more detailed. I'm going to be more active so thanks
Thanks dude <3
Age: 10 In game name: Noobcrew___ (someone hacked my Minecraft account, as soon as 30 days are up, I will change it to MrScuffyPlayz). Time...
Read it for the third reason.