Well I stopped but I play more now, let me know when ur on
Can you come on Inf or r u banned?
Infection, remember? We were like bros
OMFG bro
Support, the majority of Minecraft servers have this and Mineverse would be another one.
Also, I think that it would be really fun if the servers were the actual Mineverse games so you can play in the ones which you know best....
Neutral, however may I ask how you would assemble the staff team if there will be one? Also, I like how in depth you have gone into this but you...
I think support as long as they make an appeal and get accepted and they must have been banned for 1+ years and never been banned before.
I think this is a good idea, but as Herf said, people could just set up bots and stuff so support if there is some kind of anti-bot plugin and if...
Yea just a prefix
Alex just stop saying irelavent stuff please.
lol ikr, it is way too high
Thanks for all the support, really appreciate it and I hope Cyp sees it so it can be implemented!
Fair enough but I think the sub requirement is too high to start with. Perhaps 500+ views, considering that would gain the server about 50 new...
My IGN is xItzScuffy, the offender's IGN is WallAbuseV7. WallAbuseV7 typed the message I put in the screenshot in the chat of the game, also they...
I think that for now, the ones I stated should be those requirements, then people would be enticed and be inspired to start channels. The...