Any response?
It should already be shared in the video. My time zone is central American time. 12:22 PM 4/30/2020
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: 11Potted The offender's exact ingame name: INDIANRAP A...
LOL. You get drilled by Me cramp and ozzy so much you had to start cheating to compete.
This post makes me laugh a lil inside
@Rent. No offense but these kids that be calling u the best got me chucklin.
@EveramSyndicate is the person that goes around on forums disagreeing with everyone just to get attention.
(Not in any order) Top 5 1. @Cramp 2. @11Potted 3. FawkEt 4. @Leakkz 5. @Toad
Oh my goodness support
@AtomBow check this report
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: 11Potted The offender's exact ingame name: bbqchikken...
If it's such a problem others should do it to. If you can't beat them join them.
How is it abusing. We paid for it. We'll use it how we want to.
Removing something that I paid for because others can't have it? Sure bud. No support.
no support extremely toxic and mean to me
That's funny.
Support ur pretty cute
He knows that because we've never liked each other. That why he said it. To be an ***hole