xD I Can't Believe it! Image if that thing blew up my base/my house! LOL
Look xD I Was searching around my base becuz I herd a ghast.. I LOOKED EVERYWHERE.. but when I was next to my chests.. I saw it.. INSIDE MY HOUSE! LOL
@EvilSpinner Some Reason I Can't See The Pics
also.. another reason is because since I have a big island... AT LEAST 1 ghast spawns per 3 mins or so ITS SO ANOYYING perhaps he could maybe...
Can Plz Talk to CypriotMerkz about that? he rarely listens to me
WELL Why Didn't you tell me that before.. this would of stopped a long time ago.. plus he should at least make a thing that if a player goes on ur...
I Like Caping My Words.. Plus Its Not Affecting Anything.. Also What If Your Ofline?? How Can U Report Them?!?! I Got The Info On My Base Being...
Also Wouldn't That Mean "That's Why U Shouldn't Use CobbleStone" On Skyblock.. Well They Fixed That.. This Is Almost The EXACT Same Thing.. So Why...
HALF Of My Base Was Blown Up By 2 Gods. Who Were Making The Ghast Blow Up My Base! And It Wasn;t An Accedent. Litterly HALF And Im #2 On Da Server!
.... Dude Netherrack Is Main Source.. Plus Even If We Did People Can Come To Our Shop And Attrack A Ghast.. Then Have It Blowing Up Stuff
There Were 2 Others.. But It Wont Let Me Load Them
Im Helping Froe With This And I Have Pics Of Ghasts Blowing My Base Up: It Wont Let Me Show Pictures..