Aw Thanks
:depressed::L:baw::eek::drowning:Bye Savvy D: you were always a good friend PLZ DONT LEAVE
lol. my Minecraft hates me right now... Also your signature how'd u make that "acheivment get" thing?
[ATTACH] My Minecraft crashed at this scene
Yes way xD I exited the lagging place and now it wont let me back into any of my words xD
Holy! chunk lag Sorry for spamming the threads[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Lol im still lagging, i'll see what other funny things will happen lol
Heres another one ( the squids weren't moving, they were all just staring at me...) it was very creepy[ATTACH]
Up There FLYING SQUIDS LOL (idk why it wouldn't lemme put pictures on first one xD
This was a very weird experience xD look at the pictures below. lol I was lagging so hard
Support Bro, I've seen you in game, you were very nice hope you get mod, when i say they i mean, now, like... NOW NOW NOW!!!
I Support greatly, just one thing Get more well known and also, when you are saying thanks to people don't spam the posts, just put it all into 1...
I do know my way around the forums, Why do you want me to use the reply button though? I know how. sometimes I don't choose to
Conor, 1. I am only bumping 1 time every day, and sometimes only once every 3 or 4 days. 2. what grammer can I work on, plz do show me Thanks for...
Also, I had a lot more information, but like I said it canceled all my editing and I replaced all that I could remember. SORRY
Done, I finished editing. PEOPLE who have read this. plz read the edited parts again, I added more information :) Thanks @mqrtal I finished :) (I...
I edited it, and when I pressed save the edit it canceled all my editing that he had said, so im reediting it right now.
I Will try to add more information and correct my spelling, could you please tell me what I miss spelled? Thx Anyways Thanks
Bump :) Also I didn't mean Op factions I ment survival in my servers I want to moderate.... oops xD I edited Op factions out and put in Survival