My gang was hacked on gta.. and now i cant log on its SOO much fun but i cant log on any more idk why Fix the bugs plz
I was the leader of Gangstas and two things happened to my gang that are either major bugs or hackers the first day i had a pretty big gang and al...
Add more info.. Good Luck :) Especialy in "do you have any experience as a moderator?" List the commands and what they're used for, Their description
Make the colors darker.. it might hurt people's eyes.. and use better grammer Good Luck
On hellblock 1 row of my island was "cut" off not removed but i couldnt use it. i couldnt break them either.. although i built it now its almost...
Support. Good app :)
I've decided that im not ready to be a mod, can a mod come and lock and archeive this? Thanks. @ScoFu13 Or any other mod
I agree With you Ian, Thanks I will work on that, anyways... I bump kind of rarely... I, bump once a day for like 2 days then I'll stop bumping...
Bump :) plz response, Also may I change the part on my 2 favorite gamemodes, from survival to OP Factions? im starting to be a fan of OP fac :)
Bump :)
How So, why would she lie. plus there would be no reason to quit just becuz of not getting mod, tons of people have tried and failed, they don't quit.
This is what savvy said, I highlighted ther things I was talking about in dark red, red and green. I want to be remembered like Pile and...
Savvy, I can't believe you, everyone is so sad to see you leave.. doesn't that mean that ALOT of people know and care about you? you said you were...