When i was playing infection, i kept getting killed everytime i spawned in, i got killed because of players spawn camping, so i think everytime...
Before i quit the mineverse forums, i wanna give some tbh's out. also if you wanan talk to me, im still in-game and msg me if you want my skype...
My ign: Drkfirebird offenders ign: ElBartoSimpson Rule violated: Bypassed the swearing plugin Proof http://imgur.com/a/uka7B
I was told to do this :( IGn:Drkfirebird Forum name:Blue Jr Offenders ign/Forum name:SpongeBobSquarePants Rule broken: telling me to kys Proof:...
About me ♡ Hello, this is me Fire, or Drk. I am 13 years old, I have been playing on this server for about 2 years, but recently made a forums...
Delta plz Delete
My Ign: Drkfirebird Hackers Ign: Spookpvp Rule broken: hacking - Kill aura Proof: [MEDIA]
This is Complement the person above you, This makes people feel good about themselves for your compliments...
This is where the records on the forums are held at :) tell me what i can add or delete please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Hello mineverse players, What this thread will be talking about is adding friends to the forums, let me explain: If you have a Bff on mineverse...
My ign: Drkfirebird Offenders ign: skillbill023 Rule broken: Hacking -Kill aura Proof: [MEDIA]
I delected the thing, I showed the wrong videotape lol I suck,
Hey Mineverse Players, This is the stupidest suggestion on the mineverse forums, but I'll explain First, if you want your thread to be locked...
Ok so every 1 month I'll pick someone from the comments to change my name to jr, (Btw I know this is the most stupid idea ever) and also, I...
My ign: Drkfirebird Offenders ign: LucaStar2004 Rule broken: Anti kb - Proof: [MEDIA]
My ign: Drkfirebird Hackers ign: Foppecrosbi Broken rule: Hacking - kill aura Proof: [MEDIA]
My ign: Drkfirebird Hacks -kill aura and auto armor Hackers ign: SelfiePvpForU [MEDIA]
----------------------------------------------=+Drkfirebird's introduction+=--------------------------------------------------------- Hi my name...
-------------=+Better anti cheat+=--------------- Know before you read this, I used to be a hacker but stopped. Btw I am unbanned so I will see...
Reaperkillz has anti kb. And kinda kill aura. I will make more reports in the furture, he was in skywars but he left.. saw him today and 4 days ago