Cant leave or I have Orange sit on you!
Well the walls did keep out some of them :D lets hope it doesn't get reset
will there be /sethome for people who just want /home to there plot?
Ert Why you keep changing
they shouldn't be perm banned anyway they didn't really break the prison they was testing it I guess xD and they even ask for help and when and...
Any news on why stuff has been removed from prison aka grinders and items in ender chests?
And now I found you Orange :D
Hey NoOrange
Hey Ert
Happy birthday Jmintz123
Yes My ign Is Jakehare2000 You found me :)
Happy Apirl fools :D
Paul here you go :3
Well frist its my opinon and I rather have someone else sorry as a mod
No Support :P
No support
Frist i seid i have a disability in spelling and also not everything i type make sese i have to live with that and i was banned for greifing (...
How old are you? I am currently 15 years old. I will become 22 on August 22nd. Your in-game name: My in-game name is jakehare2000 What...