I might as well tell you guys my stuff. I'm halfway through level 21 and I just got my new best Pokemon, a 1600 Vaporeon. #teamMYSTIC
So I'm guessing a lot of you play Pokemon GO, so I decided to make a thread about people saying what level they are and what kind of Pokemon they...
Good luck with everything.
No support, reasons stated.
Support, I hate it when I use my xp because everyone is following me.
Neutral, reasons stated above.
Neutral, never seen you in-game.
Congratulations, @WhyteDuck you've been accepted. bump... bump….. bumpeee bump.. Bumpppp
No support, never seen you in-game.
Hey, "your" pretty nice.
Neutral, never seen you in-game but I have seen you on forums.
Support, this sounds pretty cool.
Neutral, I've never really seen you in-game.