No Support, never seen you in-game.
I hope it'll be okay. While I was playing Infection it said weird messages through the broadcast.
Welcome back, always good to have og's back
Support, sometimes the same map occurs over and over.
There are so many issues, I hope that all the ones stated are fixed.
Your in-game name: yeahsquirrel The offender's exact in game name: SilverFox987 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: the...
Neutral for now, I don't know how it would really work.
I would have made it less bright but I wanted a rainbow theme. But thanks anyway!
Thank you for the support. :D
I'll work on it.
Thank you!
Thanks for the info, I'll try harder to be nicer. :)
.____. ~ Welcome ~.____. Hello there, my name is yeahsquirrel. I would just like to tell you a little about myself. First off, I am 13 years old....
Just like @DoctorDistructo said, I didn't really know we had an anticheat.
That is way too OP!!!!
1400 Vaporeon (VapeLordNord)
Once upon a time, there was Minecraft player that decided to go on to the forums and make a story writing competition. Not everyone knew who this...