First of all. Its funny how all three of you... or supposedly have at least a few minutes from posting on the thread. All three of you are new to...
You dont want one but other people do. Its been a YEAR AND 6 MONTHS!!!. A year and a half. Thats crazy if you dont want a reset considering that...
Full outblown support
Your ingame name: googlemaster190 The offender's exact ingame name: Cubsiskool A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: server...
I love your profile Mr Trump. XDXDXDXD
No support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would literally love you if u were to reply ._.
Nope Yeet!
@CIASnipez dont forget to vote :)
@Rickyw@nyes you are very very dumb. You cant become staff if you dislike peoples post just because they dont support you. Kid you didnt even...
No support.
@CIASnipez thats not the point here bro. Mcmmo isnt the only point. Dont say "They are going to hack their mcmmo and problems will be here again"...
@8top thank you. Please drop a vote. :D
As i said to one of the guys before. People have already stopped playing bc of the amount of glitches on that server. Spawners, ceggs etc. People...
Stop being such a loot keeper.. Many want a reset. op factions came out October 2014, and has NOT HAD A RESET... Its January 2k16 now. Boy for...
LMFAO alienware is aids to the max. LOOOL they selled underpriced pc parts for for sooo much. i3? REALLY? LMFAO there company should be shut down...