Kryptic (GUY AND GIRLS): ---------------- Leaders: - PrincessDebbi - JustDebbi Moderators: - AirPvP_ - Boobalyboo Members: - JaellyBear -...
Proof: His ingame name: Arabic_Bear When it happend: 1week ago (I lost acces to my account)...
After lagging out all the time I came on and fought BellCrystal79 this is what he said in the chat...
I have.
Okay its just that I live in Europe and that most of staff probably live in US so i won't be online when they answer
Ok I don't understand but what ever.
Thanks, About my skype I don't care if I get ddos'd.
Hello, So I was online on my account called "Bella_Tiara" and did /buy and clicked on premium. And bought it after a while I looked at recet...
me2 lol
Fianally a smart person.
Lol the picture xD
People please stop commenting about ping that is not the problem.
Because of the hit detection.
You're just immature I'm just going to ignore what you say.
Thats what you might think but no not only i have 179 ms and that is perfectly fine on other servers.
So hi my name is Morgan I'm 14 years old and my ingame name is Jkayyyyyyyyyyyyn. I've started playing on oppvp and lets be honest the hit...