Support! i report for duty! i can translate the rules into Swedish.
I like your idea and support it, BUT i would also want signs saying "/warp Dmine" and so on. :) but like i said. Support!
No Support! I like the idea BUT it wouldnt be fair to player with low amouth of rupies. besides it would kind of spoil the fun of BedWars.. Kits...
Yea :D tihi :) <3 also its a Combo of YesLemon And NoOrange ;) but mainly for you <3
how long will i need to wait? :P or do i just need to relog? :P
now it just to wait XD
i can change my forumname to YesOrange? :D xD
and NoOrange ;)
Studying and trying to get everything ready before i can join again XD not stressed at all, no no i promise! xD
did i mention we are walking in the sunset together? :D
@Smiley you lke my cow?? :D
im out walking with my cow:
Im soo tired all day :( and i cant join you peeps as much as i want:( or as long as i want :(
Woop Woop :D
Support! because this is some of the mainreasons! i belive this is needed!
msg me you are on :D what times are you on? xD im at school between 06-15 tomorrow and 08-16 on friday (GMT +2)
Sounds like a deal! :) i will be able to do the trade :)
got about 8 more hours to get this essay ready! this is my last day to hand it in XD thank good for internetz
Im studying and preparing for easter xD