Forum: Seven In Game: Zero ;) jk In Game: Eight
well i think you are a bit younger than me, i would guess you are atleast 12 years younger :P
yea, ima ask my parents.. doesent work like that :/ i need a job to get money.
How will i get money if i dont have a job?? and mating sounds wierd, i like being alone
Welcome to the forums!! :D
im so confused of life, what is the porpuse of this?
Support! If it's only for Rank-Free and above. Prisoners should not be able to buy from it. because come on, they are prisoners. if not? then...
@Wolfie thank you :) @SmileyFries thank you! yea ofc XD When i got that job ;)
yes ;)
announcement:I must tell you all i'm not able to do more upgrages, i need to focus on getting a job now. Sorry to inform you <3
OMG its back! :D
I can finally connect :D
still getting disconnected :/
thank you for telling :)
Reinstalled minecraft - hopefully this will work xD
when trying to connect to server, it loads for a min and then "connection lost" - Disconnected
i keep getting disconnected from server :(
how you got to freeman if you dont know how to get money?? look inside the /warp shop and see what you think is reasonable to collect. collect...
Can't belive the swedish summer is here! its been sun from monday untill today lets just hope it will keep sunny :)