^^^^^ agreed
t yea true i was thinking maybe like 25$ - $40
well because if someone else has an s40, and they don’t die with it, they could just keep repairing it. one suggestion i have is maybe make the...
Neutral, wouldnt this be too op? If you have an s40 and you never die with it, all you need is 10$ to repair it. So you could just keep repairing...
sometimes its because you get high cps, if you get any cps over like 14-15 usually you get the glitch, happens to me too bc i butterfly ;/
okay thanks
have u gotten the logs yet ;p i wanna see if he macroed
if you come on kitpvp you'll find many no ranks hacking ;p
Can you fix the anti cheat next? I died like 3 times on kitpvp today because i got stuck in a block and they ghosted me.
MST time zone (Mountain Standard Time)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: NHLpro35 The offender's exact ingame name: mcfly35_yt...
lol he litterly admits it, just giving him some feedback :)
i dont think crew would sell this server, hes owned it since 2013
you cant just buy the server lmfao
Neutral. If you want to be mod, i suggest stop cheating on any gamemode. I've seen you cheat on kitpvp multiple times
support, this happens a lot to me aswell. pretty sure it happens on op a lot too. pls fix this
Neutral. Most people on this server have many alts an will use it to their advantage. Example - I have about 8 alt accounts. 8 alts would be 35$....