I don't know, I need to see you in-game first
I am back in black and ready to report some players! :)
Then you guys should change your signs
Sorry I disconnected before I could.
1. VecterSigma 2. badman168 3. Is using sponges, called people fags, and is being very rude. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1: VecterSigma 2: Pickadar457 3: Pickadar457 was advertising on the prison server. [ATTACH]
1: VecterSigma 2: GamingWithNemo 3: Said player, was advertising and bribing people in chat for a different server. 4:[ATTACH]
No, support, add more information on why you want to be mod, and how it will benefit others, (mods and players).
I almost got scammed too. He said he'd make me mod. Don't fall into his trap of lies. That was a gullible move my friend, no offence.
No Support
Dude, how, or who, created your account pic?
Cool glad I can help, I do youtube banners and other stuff, check out my channel for an example of what I do:...
I wanted to do something for Sco, so I made this:[ATTACH] @ScoFu13
Double Support
I'm not sure if I said it already but, SUPPORT
No support, you need A LOT of more detail, colors, and other descriptive sections.
Fill out the template or be ignored! How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do...
We need a mod to wrap up this conversation, @Grayson