Dont swear plz
many AKA,s j9rno (AKA the loser that never can win a pvp battle) (AKA tltncwapb)
I i,m not 100% sure i only see like 50% hacking or something
Ok 1 thing is sure i dont see hacks And @BulletProofMC Plz be more respectfull to other people
@mineterria what do you think
Guys i know quadcrafters and if he hacks he is to be able to hit me when i stand beside him so dont say he hacks and the evidence are too bad you...
Nice optifine cape tow
Your ingame name:j9rno The offender's ingame name:KeeChainZ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:scamming Evidence/screenshots....
Ok but that St4bbi hacks so
ok sorry but delvaren does it too but sorry
and i was only this vid that it was on so
yes because i wanted to seek him so i can make this vid sorry
Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots [media] And yes i do...
I hear alot about thorns 1000 and stuff so maybe its true
I think you can add friends on hack clients?
I think this is true because i pvped him like 5 min ago and he 1hit killed me so i think i,m 60% sure
Guys delvaren does not hack
thx for the tip