People can't snipe u from the dome! they are in the safe zone so they can't snipe u (someone tried and it didn't work)
Ok, so why don't the donors get anything? lol they payed to get stuff to make the game easier!!!
:O yeah! maybe u can use a stone sword or something as melee, and some items/tools as spells !!And u fight people depending what the rank you...
OK just gonna put the prestiges here: prestige 1 = projectile pro 1 enchant prestige 2=blast pro 1 enchant (rip off) prestige 3 = pro 1 enchant...
aww dang it I failled I accidently pressed enter :P well anyways, if ur VIP, and u upgrade to MVP,ur just gonna get the same thing except diamond...
oh, I thought MMORPG was just when u create a RP and u just play it not with like spells magic and all that stuff, I support but what will the...
Yeah,pres 2 is unfair,its only blast pro 1 and is only good against air strikes and yeah,a knock 1 sword would be good!
no support,the premiums and all of the rest of a dnrs payed real money to get the ranks,and kit officer or kit general is better than kit...
I SUPPORT!! I WANT /pet BACK AND /Disguise!(mostly because I want to fly on my bat lol)
I support,but are we going to make the sword sharp 2 knock 1 or what enchant?
no support
I support! prestige 8-10 are broken, they need to fix it with like : pres 8=fire 1 and2 arr sharp 1 iron sword,pres 9 = bow and 2 arrows, pres...
what is MMORPG?
I believe there is a lot of hackers on infection,oppvp,and kitpvp.They either have fast bow or kill aura,so I think u can stop them. I support
I think they should fix pres 8-10 ,it should be: pres 8= sharp 1 fire 1 iron sword, pres 9=bow and 2 arrows pres 10:a iron sword with either fire...
I can't vote at all,the website won't load for me
thank u
Thank u
ughh.. k but the buyable kits for in-game money are different :D