I got banned from saying because u know I'm all about the bess bout de bess no trouble?
xD hi
I support 100% he is awesome!
I support!
actually,people didn't kill to get them, they voted :P
I support! I need help with something on the help page :P
I support, vip and higher should get worldedit because they payed so much money to get the ranks yet,they still have to vote to worldedit!!
spleef would be good, spleef is a fun game to play btw (this is soooo off topic and kinda rude :P) why didn't u get me god rank for ur bday ? lol
I support! its a fun mini game, also, I'm thinking dnr stuff will make people want to buy dnr ranks more
I support, temple is possible to win but only if like dnrs team up in a op spot and camp there, also,dnrs can just go op zombie and kill everyone...
what I'm thinking is that the diamonds are soo easy to find
why don't dnrs just start off with diamond picks? with efficency 1 or no enchant ( I think its prob no enchant lol)
I support! we need more maps but we need to know what they look like
omg this map is awesome! but its kinda like the zombies can get u anywhere there is like nowhere to hide :P
also, its only for the kits not the ranks right? lol
ok, the prices are WaaaaaaaAAAY too low I had like 50000$ lol
ok I'll stop, not my fault if this doesn't work out!
maybe a little bit of an advantage would work :P
algae??? fish food? lol