is there anyone agreeing on this? No support
supreme and god rank kits can't they just get unlimited speed ?also for some reason I think the kits are a bit weak.maybe add a bit more items...
support, but I think you should add more stuff to the prize at the end? only a repair sign is not worth it (unless parkour is quite easy
I support!
guys, all servers should have donor perks because it will encourage non donors to donate! Support
Support again!
u have a point... close this I guess
OMG! awesome! SUPPORT
I think noobcrew won xD
I kinda disagree with tip 1, the [god] pick has 300 fortune,unbreak, and efficiency
in game name Daevantes do u have skype? no how good are u at pvp? 18-20 I think i should be in this clan because I am great at pvp (not to brag)...
IGN Daevantes what rank do u want to be?quire (or higher) pvp skill: 8-10 how good are u at teamwork?: 7-9 when can u be on?: probably only on the...
OMG suport! but don't you think you should add more bows to the dnr kits?and the gold sword for supreme is a little too weak xD
Ok, so I was thinking we could change blocks vs zombies a little but I don't know if people want it the same way.Bt anyways ok, I was thinking we...
I agree!
I agree