It would be me, @kirbyo32 and @Alex oli :D
Tomorrow is the last mid term day finally!
Support my friend u deserve it :D
Support :D
I can't pick just one there's to many but If I had to pick my 3 best would be @PandaBear__ , @Lola Perez and @VaMeSa123 <3
Ign: Spheredraptor32 Game mode banned on: Op Pvp Link to accepted appeal: Link to accepted appeal:...
I would fly to places I want to visit. What would you do if you had superpowers ?
Who's Going to win Super Bowl 49 ? Seattle or Patriots. I'm a New York Giants fan so I have to go with the Seahawks, besides Dallas I hate the...
Guess who's back
In-game name: Spheredraptor32 The Offender's ingame name: craftyfein23 What rule was broken: craftyfein23 was spamming in lobby Evidence:...
Hey Everyone, I feel that since I've been banned so many times from this server that people and mods just don't want me here anymore. Most of the...
If you could have one wish what would you use it for. For me I would wish to become a saiyan and train under Goku to become even stronger than...
Pain Above Under Ligaments lol my name is so hard
Even Goku has a Christmas
Bye Vampiric I never really knew you that well but you seemed like a pretty chill dude take care my friend.
Me ?
I'm sorry guys this is the end of me