Thanks so much!
Bump, I have waited 3 days. Also I was starting to fix the application but I have had so many things that I have been doing. Also I have trying to...
Thanks Gabe!
Bump ;). When I get home I will try to make my application shorter with just the key details and will try and make it stand out more . So it's...
Janaa hey :)
^ No Support.
Actually changing to a Neutral because I know you're trying really hard to get this position as mod. Even though you need to work on you're...
Ok thank you I understand.
Know one is perfect but I'm just telling you to fix a lot of your grammar mistakes.
Support!!!!! You deserve Mod.
Hello there and welcome to the MV forums :).
Thank you so much Teddy :)
See? Correction: I'm always active in-game around 6 hours a day. I post on every thread that's been made to read then. Then I post a comment and...
Congrats all!
No Support, Never seen you in-game You have a lot of grammar mistakes and in all the comments you've replied too. Get more well-known to the...
100% Support!
Support! @CypriotMerks look at this right away.
May I ask why?