Welcome to the forums :cat::write:
No Support, Reasons stated above.
There has been a lot of problems with Skyblock lately, so I believe Skyblock should be reset for the futures sake. Support SuperDucky:).
Support , @CypriotMerks
Using /trust will be easy because what if you want to kick the player if you do /island kick (player name) the player will lose are there items,...
Support :).
Definite Support! I've been seeing so many hackers on infections lately.
Full Support.
Wow great job on this.
Your welcome :).
Welcome to miveverse forums.
Hi hope you're enjoying the forums :).
Welcome Kyle! :).
Hello everyone :).
Thank you all :) . Even though I'm not new.
Yeah I am on a soccer team. Thank you so much. Ok :).
Did you read it :(.