Munchiemouth perfectsterling's He made a teleport trap and spammed it in chat. Proof: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Basicly I will give a starter topic and you can only post a 1-5 word response. This will keep going on and over time make a short story :). It...
I dont know if this is true but but some people are saying the hoppers arn't working because of a duplication glitch, My island revolves armound...
Ok, first of all this will be my last application, I feel as if I am annoying the mods. I don't know if its true but please don't give me hate...
I am buying theses items for people in trade of Spawn Eggs And Money. Respond if your intrested. <3 - Munchie
If you all didnt know, i restarted my island. Yes, i know big deal. But for my new warp /warp Munch, I need Sand and Grass. My Starting Offers...
[ATTACH] Next time your on OpFactions take a look at /f f Aura. Our faction is the biggest and strongest faction on Mineverse. We have such a...
-=*=- IGN -=*=- Munchiemouth -=*=- Offender's IGN -=*=- Spejdersnus -=*=- Rules They Broke/ Description-=*=- Using x-ray and a hack client, one...
On OpFactions Spawners do not work, if you buy or find any type it turns it into a default pig spawner. This glitch is ruining my entire way of...
Me and some other players were thinking... We need Better Axes and Pickaxes ! It is supposed to be Op right ? Pickaxes especially. I and others...
On allot of servers, players make farms and grinders to gain money. Like on survival lots of people want coco beans at shop to make a decent...
UnitedEmpire has grown over the past month to about 60 members and 500 power at max. So today I decided to make this post so anyone can apply and...
Im not 100% sure this is the first report in this situation, (If not I was not aware and I apologize.) Some people say it is from /f bypass ?...
Ok so I was thinking... Op Factions is supposed to be Op right ? Well I was playing on another faction server and I am a high donator. My base is...
Hey guys im back from a short vacation I went to Arkansas :D Ok so I was playing on another server "Fear Pvp" and i bought a rank and received a...
Hey guys, I'm starting a new series/episode of Op-Factions. I will be doing it on Friday 4:00- 5:30/6:00. Come join the stream I'm always up for...
Hey guys, I am a youtuber (I recently started) and i want to record on Op Factions. I realised today it is hard to find raids. I am pretty sure...
Hey guys I was on another server and was playing GTA. I never know how fun it is !! I know mineverse has grown from factions to skygrid. I think...
Comment your favorite Food, Soda and Candy. Mine is Food: Sushi Soda: Mt.Dew Candy: Warheads or Red Hots
I am the CoOwner of the faction and we have grown bigger and better over the past week or so and we need more members.... Age: In Game Name: Time...