You're still breaking the rules. You where using sprint witch is not allowed.
Nothing really, just maybe some more stuff about your stuff and more into detail why you should became a moderator :).
Although, you don't have much information on your application, I can tell you're mature and can handle being a moderator. I wish you best of luck.
[ You live in kc right?
Brazil Skype?!!!
Why are you ignoring me ,-,
Wanna do a trade?
I'm going to do another list. @Wario957 @MCExplore @Dontchallengeme @brazil2170 That's all I can think of for now :p.
Hey!! how have you been?
Hey tin!! if I changed my profile picture would I get kicked out of the clan on prison?
Can I be Winnie the poo or is it already taken?
I support but there is some things you should improve on. Being active and fix your spelling mistakes. Goodluck!!
So you live in kc also?
Does anyone have steam and has the game cs:go?
I haven't talked to you in a while since your promotion. Well hi.
Funny for you to say.
Banned for being rude and say I fart too much.
Banned for watching to much sao.