hey wanna be friends
no I disagree with this post
I don't see what's wrong with Google trying to hook ya'll minecrafters up with some :)
ur gay
That makes sense lmao
if my mum had snapchat I'd bully her
haha how's online dating going for yah
lol pile has snapchat
miss you too, wish we still talked often, I don't play anymore tho :( hope everything's good on your end too
already got logics stuff, mostly bobby tara album, and yeah checked out mike stud not too sure yet
u shud come on teamspeak c:
tbh I like grime/rap ect, rap/hip hop, but I'm open to anything that sounds cool. Here's some of the songs that I had on a list on my PC on a...
yeah i want songs thanks preferably good ones, optimistic rating for those who succeed ~ kappa
this would have to be the stupidest addition to the forums in existence
It's possible. They used to be in lottery like he said. You know nothing
@Pile roasteddddddddddddddddd get put in your place mother! lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllol
$20? I lost a $440 knife on CSGO to a mate I knew.
c0me bak