How to easily get mod Here are some simple steps at how to obtain Moderator rank. Step 1: Be nice to everyone for at least a month before post...
[IMG] [MEDIA] @ParanormalPizza @Bakes32
Proof: [IMG] I personally payed to God and recieved Titan from this....
[IMG] @Pile @Nanurz oh btw
[IMG] [MEDIA] I built this map, though I had some people help me with the world editing. Thankyou to my wonderful World Editers <3
Post your Mineverse memes, I'll start :D [IMG]
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offence: Derp hacks Offender: AHappyPandaBear Evidence: [MEDIA]
[IMG] Relatable anyone? Gets kinda anoying when gold fills your echest :/ :P
[IMG] Comment bellow :)
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor: UltraSuprima Offence: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Absence Here we go, just like to explain why I’m not going to be around for a month and a bit. I’m starting a new adventure without my parents...
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor: Sir_0rlord Offence: Anti KB Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor: RadiantBear Offence: AntiKB Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor : ReaperBird Offence : Anti KB (that is a knockback two stick) Evidence :[MEDIA]
My IGN: TorchwooRC Offendor: mihairosca Offence: Bow Glitching (See in chat they are only p4) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor: ThomasBear_x3 Offence: Antikb (thats a knockback 1 stick) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor: Shadowwolf1337 Offence: Macros [MEDIA] @Pile_of_Butts I think the marco's rule isn't mentioned in the rules but is...
My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offendor: stingerpenguin Offence : Advertising Evidence: [IMG]
My IGN : TorchwoodRC Offendor: aorfuse Offence: Adverising [IMG]