@Farid this is a team application please leave. stay if you want to join and fill out the forum.. that link is to the moderator application forum.
Application form Copy and paste this in a comment and fill out the format. 1. whats your username [IGN] 2. where do you live? [State or...
He was Titan I saw him all the time on kitpvp #getdannytitanback
@burton_alcide that's just ROMAR telling u to say that . U birdo
Why are u quitting
Support :p
@romar @burton_alcide u best be posting who upgraded u
Hi, i am [Elite]JJJ4671 and am looking for a upgrader for me to supreme or god. On op factions i have around 325k and kitpvp (growing) i have...
support lol :P
I will provide evidence later with a vid but I got to go to school :P and @quickflame take over this if u want because I showed u and u said u...
Please use [email protected] if you're having troubles with donations or didn't receive rank. If you have any questions or concerns, feel...
Support AGAIN! cmon noobcrew for shiz sake make him modz..
i cant get proof. sorry but i feel thats enough proof. if he keeps on saying u ready? that means he agreed. i guess hes not getting banned. and...
hes kinda smart and said he didnt agree but why the fck would i pay him 20k and say he scammed me. I have better things to do. i jsut wanted...
i did...... but since im fking retarded its like 10 minutes later and i cant possible scroll up. What happaned is that he said oh i dont know how...
Your ingame name: jjj4671 The offender's ingame name: Zatos A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming with 20k...
thanks @Ferninator yeah they made error with jake the snake they have to fix
watch this vid of him reking 2 hackers faces! [media]