Kfc with grape cool aid inside a watermelon
Hey miss pvp :p come on more often lol I wanna 1v1 u
@BlockheroRS wtf
@IN1NJAI ur telling us that U tubers are payed to play on servers!!?!?! That's not right but it must of helped mv out a lot if a 2.4millokn sub...
@Firo3000 @larrythebird101
@ScoFu13 @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @Laura_or_is_it @quickflame If archerhead ever EVER scams again! this is his alternate account in which he...
here he says that his brother knows noobcrew from school..... thats why he apparently got unbanned [ATTACH]
Your ingame name: jjj4671 The offender's ingame name: Archerhead A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming...
@Lola Perez he isn't going to. U have to understand he scammed me.
@canucksfan44 this is not duplicate btw just making a proper report
[media] Your ingame name: jjj4671 The offender's ingame name: archerhead A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming and...
@canucksfan44 archive this and I'll make a proper report :)
can someone reply?
@quickflame listen to my side and dont take ur friends side. look what i meant when i said in the screenshot. archerhead keeps saying im banned
@canucksfan44 any feedback? he banned? he keeps saying in chat im getting banned idk why
also @PandaBear__ dont listen to archer head even if u guys are good friends. being a mod is not about favoring just sayin and not accusing u or...
turn off volume :P and as you can see the little nub says he didnt get his money and he payed it to his alt @canucksfan44
when @ArcherHead shows the screenshot ull see what i say, also the video of him scamming is uploading @canucksfan44 wait 2 minutes
archerhead took something i said as a threat after he scammed me 2.5k with video. he said he didnt get the money and i said that he payed it to...