1. mc9033 2. RACHETGrapes and ElectroStorm 3. Tp killing 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/daed7fe4c15e0357d957b5ccc02817ea
1. mc9033 2. collin555 3. Hacks 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/1f052169d3dbebea66ec00af3185ba26
:D Thanks, Hopefully the duping doesn't work!
Aww ok :(
Okay, so, I'm not 100% sure this could work, but I think there is a way to get the nether back and duping wont be allowed: Well, you could...
1. mc9033 2. viktoremil79 3. Hacks 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/499c6fb93346e471689bd95dfc1673cf
1. mc9033 2. collin555 3. Hacks 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/a9ec9dbbfa29abac1e3d6baa3df881bd
1. mc9033 2. OMGItzKenny 3. Hacks (Anti kb) 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/ee170eea22582bbc630381a6326eb413
1. mc9033 2. SYNDICATE505 3. Hacks 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/c4e0c16e4b0578b2f0cb556a8338b996
1. mc9033 2. sylwek1100 3. Hacks 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/ce93ab102e0b65caa4e22350484533a4
1. mc9033 2. NBN0305 3. Hacks (Kill aura and anti kb) 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/0244f24ab804fd283ad4e20f81886ab0
1. mc9033 2. Bensleboss65 3. Major swearing 4. Screenshots: http://gyazo.com/c06cf625534983d6790da3c559ee02da...
No sorry :( If he comes on again, and Ill try and recorded him. :D Ill created a new thread if wanted.
1. mc9033 2. Lasstrold 3. Hacks (Kill aura) 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/362b304bed0e6f7360449fcba9058f65
1. mc9033 2. sylwek1100 3. Hacks 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/8a64ac6a6f82b429583095e95ea4e0ac
1. mc9033 2. diamantman7 3. hacks (Kill aura) (And maybe Fast eat) 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/4bb8405430061877be9458e892f614b4
1. mc9033 2. CreeperHunter639 3. Hacking (Kill aura and anti kb) 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/73c76190c563750c460c15c6c7206d84
1. mc9033 2. HEOlASSASSIN 3. Kill aura and anti kb (Video may be a bit laggy) 4. Video: http://gyazo.com/31ed43c9d26992e547099c68bbfd6b09