How are you even meant to summon a mod?? I keep messaging them and get no response! #WeNeedHelpOnSurvival
Need a mod on survival! Chat is getting a bit nasty.
Weekend again!! :)
Hmm...neutral. You just seem to lack maturity. There is also no need to use any sort of cursing words, with the '*' or without, it shows lack of...
Yaay! Friday!
Support. You sound like a very responsible, helpful, trustworthy and reliable person. :)
Ew. Sugar, sugar, sugar. It's FULL of sugar! Baked beans.
Ew. Roast beef.
Oops I posted just after you!
Yum. Turnips.
Hahaha. Um, well I'm not a cannibal. Can someone else answer that? XD
Ew. Squid.
Yum. Apple pie.
Yaaay! My horse is back home after a major rob/griefing at my friend's stables! (Not irl lol, on survival)
Why're all the companies advertising Christmas stuff? I mean, Christmas is EPIC, but isn't it a little early? :o
Str is awesome and deserves a bump, so here: *bump!* :)
Buuump! :)
Meow ^-^