Support. You sound very mature and responsible and as though you would really be of use to the community. Also, are you the 'Shelby' I know?...
Heyo :D
Congratulations!!! (sorry if it's late XD) :D P.S Love your status.
Oh ma gawsh! Look what I achieved in Blender (profile picture). :D
I stalk you @Ares_Xena. You have been warned...whahaha...
Can we have a hand on survival please? :)
#Weekend :)
Totally agree with your first point. Can't begin to comprehend what the rest of the post is about due to falling victim of the unbearable lag when...
Can I have help on survival please? There is a series of tpa killings and many angry players...
Nice! R.I.P To your rat ;-; </3
Tpa killer on survival by the name of winner_dash101. Help please!
Mod on Skyblock please! Someone named [Titan] legomyeggo529 has just come on survival asking for a mod due to griefers. Help appreciated.
Friiiday! Yaaay! (Even though it's the 13th :O)
Awwweeeeeee <3 Ly <3 @PurifiedSpectre @Ares_Xena @GrizzlyBear3596 @StrKillr (make that 4 times, mate)
Congratulations! P.S. Love your status, it's one of my favourite quotes.
Yaay! Gratz Alien - you're a 'troller'! ;-;
Is Mineverse a friendly community, or a community of rude people who offend you, and people who stay loyal and back you up?
What have I done? Why is all of survival turning against me and biting back at ANYTHING I say??
Weekend over. ;-;