Yup ;-;
I have got Minecraft open, yes, but it is slow with just 1 internet tab open. It needs fixing XD
Haha, yes XD I rarely come on the forums due to how slow my computer is at internet browsing ;-;
{Rarely online, apologies}
If anyone has any questions, do not hesitate to ask me :)
There are different types of EDS, however, one of which is considered deadly as it effects hollow organs. Also, the severity of it differs from...
Aha, no I'm not XD It was named by Mr Ehlers and Mr Danlos who discovered it ;) EDS is a genetic condition causing collagen, which is like the...
And you, old girl. One would consider it simply an honour to have you join her for afternoon tea on her balcony. Unfortunately it is raining,...
Ty ty :3
Luv you ♡
Haii! :D
Happy Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness month!
Yes @Ted
Yup @Ted XD
Hahaha XD
R.I.P ;-; I'll miss you ;-; I won't forget you, but don't forget me ;-; Or else... >:D