I understand, but it doesn't affect you, so who cares. I mean according to smart people, most of people will change they password as soon as they...
Haha, alright man, i'll do, theres just 6-7 paragraph to read but okay C:. For the rest, yes i am giving random accounts which is not anything...
First time i actually win something, rofl. You already have my steam in your contact list cyp, will contact you on there :) (Mr_Toby)
If he send you it as a gift, basically you won't be able to give it to someone else., depending if it's a kind off card gift youll be able to send...
Go to 40 second Go to 1 minute 40 second Definetly, we even see a super headspin...
Your ingame name: My ingame name is Tobyranger The offender's ingame name: LikeABosss A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
What ?
I already did send a email and not only once.
Hello My username is Tobyranger, I changed my username and my rank got fixed but not the kit i bought on kitpvp, The kit i bought is called...
Your ingame name: Tobyranger (And im talking for TheSwaggerman980 too) The offender's ingame name: Zero_Inzanity A description of what rule they...
Tobyranger :p
I do know that...what i'm asking is, is there a way to get the pickaxes that i've lost because of the super breaker ?
Hello, my name is Tobyranger I'm using titan pickaxes as im a titan, and, since i have a eff 5 unbreaking fortune 3 pickaxe, when i right click i...
@Ares_Xena You told me to tag you
Bumping the thread as it as been over 10 days now :).
My ign is Tobyranger I lost kit tempest and forgot to post a message about it Please fix! -Toby
Your ingame name: My in-game name is Tobyranger The offender's ingame name: PvP__Jr A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This...
Hello, In the screenshot you just sent, you see that someone ask me if i made warp toby, i reply ''Nope'' Because i didin't DUH ? You...