Thank you and haha, i know :p. I'm french canadian ;).
And where does it say all the second part of my application ? I don't just do normal like everyone does, i review a lot of template from...
Awesome, thanks for the feedback c:.
I'm not saying what I can do, but my IP is on a Proxy they can't even get it.
Alright man ;) Take your time .
haha :p Thanks for the feedback!
There, things has been edited.
Thank you for feedback, everything in demand will be edited and added shortly!
Erm I have nevered shutted down website o.O ? I'm not too sure what you are talking about, SovietCraft, is this that server where i was a Dev on...
You will probably see me the most on OpFactions, I am Co-Leading the Advanced faction, if you know lionbdcraft, you will normaly know me. Thank...
Username: Tobyranger How old are you? Value: 18 Where do you live ? Hello fellow members, i'm from Canada, Montreal! What languages can you...
Your ingame name: Tobyranger The offender's ingame name: CIASnipez A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He keeps turning on...
Woah, Sorry not replying, i thought this would not have been popular or anything, but people are starting flame wars and such, please stop, i...
Basically, yes you need a decent good proccessor, but it's not what i'm saying. He said he only needed a proccessor to play Minecraft which is...
You should delete that message, as this is false. You always need a GPU to run a game, even run your pc, it makes the image. The thing is, in CPU...
There is no point having 2 Titan Z and 1 Titan X In your computer, as you must know that you won't get anything more than a simple Titan X. You...
Talked to cyp on steam...he should be closing it soon :)
Hello, Most of people have their game crashing for a reason, the driver Kernel 347.88. It is bugged, So what i recommend you to do if you're...
Hello, Yes i know, people think i'm just trying to get power and such, but I'm going to let that application going, or i actualy will delete it,...
Straight as you, k. Straight as you, k, thank you.