are we going to have a Christmas sail for ranks at all??
dangit, support it would be amazing to see you as a mod, plus someone who is experienced and brilliant.
The language you are speaking is English, i dont know what you are talking about.
I have to say, it's not a bad map. And I'm not saying this because other people are supporting, I actually like it. Support.
Congrats :> its nice to see you as a moderator.
Ikr. I wonder how embarrassing it would be if I had the most negatives. [IMG]
No supporting again, you're so rude. like he said, this is your 6 or 7 mod application, i dont know why you are applying again. Theres no chance...
I have enough money, I can either buy you god again if you want
She was being honest.I do not understand why you were acting very mean + a dislike. You might've demoted Bantz, you probably haven't. If I were...
No support, sorry. Your spelling/grammar & punctuation isn't correct. I do not think you're fit for moderator. Plus, if they are trying to give...
support, you're active and friendly
Bump :oldman:
Okay! Thanks for sharing your input. Thanks :) I agree with your statement as well. I only made this command to help people find moderators...
Since I'm not active, i decided that i want to leave the clan. Sorry!
You wouldn't have to go on every game-mode doing /list just to find a moderator. This command is more easier. I agree from what you said. Hackers...
Hello guys! I'm bringing up a new suggestion where it's really useful. It's /staff. This command shows if a staff member is online and directs on...
No support.