Lol this is MY waifu.. get away
Good choice
I know if you have seen my profile picture, you must know I like anime right? (probably not) Well I'm very bored and i doubt this will get any...
Its still a new gamemode, i just thought it would be more convenient for it to already be on a pvp server. Less time and money for the server devs.
Hey, its Butter! Thanks for clicking on this. Well I see a lot of the Oppvp community complain about people butting into 1v1s and I agree. Its...
Oh ok thanks bro bro
I'm not sure if this has already been suggested, but a discord server would be good for people who want to talk. Also, I don't know if teamspeak...
Yes, i indeed like butter.
Ok great! Thanks bro.
So i mainly play on OPpvp and for some reason, i have been constantly kicked due to kill aura yet I don’t own and hack clients? Will i be banned...
Thanks guys!
Hey it's Butter! :p I'm new ofc... Cya around server Cant forget about waifus... [ATTACH]