Hey hey it's your fav Butter. YOUR FAVORITE. Anyways I'm trying to post videos on Youtube about Mineverse and I've been recording my attempts at...
aight aight its up!
Oh waitttt i uploaded the wrong file
Hey its Butter! Check out our latest video and make sure to check out the other videos we post! Also subscribe if you think I did a good job...
Thanks to all that gave me the suggestions! Will work on those later tho because i got a ton of school work. Also, will let you know when i post...
Actually me and my friends are working on a channel and already have a few videos up. I would love to post about mineverse, but i'm not sure what...
Yes and Yes.
What he said
I have another screen shot but it says file size is too large. I can send it through discord though.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Butterluminati (Alt Butterluminatii) The offender's...
Im a new player i think the server is just fine how it is. Just the antihack is kinda bad.. No support
Ah thats right mate
Not sure how Eula would do damage.. Care to explain?
Oh that’s true too but, still on the edge about it lol
Dang! Then what lowered the player count? Was it removal of servers? Or just people growing up?
I'm not sure how to explain this but, napkins are heavenly. They are way better than tissue and absorb my face juices better than tissues. + they...
Neutral because I'm not too sure if we actually need this. I'm sure the color of your prefix doesn't really bother people
I just came for the good pvpers :/ I got more than what i bargained for. Orrr im just trash
Im new so im not sure. Was the player count smaller or bigger before 2019?