What is your in-game-name: OpticRush jk jk it's Krishy10 How old are you : umm. I forgot. What rank are you: THE MIGHTY ZEUS ok fine god... From...
My Ping all day D: http://gyazo.com/7aff6bf030a2c25019f2db7489e511fc
I still Wanna Chat in the reports to defend my self if I get reported..
Guys Be for real.. c'mon Give the Kit fight nub some creds.
NO! the kit fight nub is better ...
IGN: IshDog Age: -2 Skype: santa Pvp skills (1-10): Can beat you with my eyes closed. We're you ever banned: uhh pfft yes Why you want to...
Hey, this seems like a nice thing to do since it's the holidays and stuff but do you mind telling me what program you use or program's.
I think *The kit fight nub who joined 4 minutes ago* is the best pvper. Pffft Im right obviously.
LOL died of laughter.
With this new forums Regular Players of MV can not view reports :( and honestly looking at people getting reported and watching the Evidence/Video...
Gn im going too.
lmao. yea I swear sometimes in game too and Eh.. I was waiting a pending mute but Idk wtf happened. :wtf: