I've already said no support but I need to say one more thing before I finish. a lot of people find this obvious I've read it in the comments of...
Support! I like the app and Dsouth he didn't scam you if he gave the money back.. just cause he went afk for like 20 milli seconds doesn't mean...
No support dude. your like Rei so close to be as noobyish you trash talked me scammed a crap ton of times and can't respect moderators and say...
SUPPPPPPPPPOOOP ok fien support.
Support :) PILE!!!!
Wanna 1v1?
LMAO!!! DUDE YOUR SO SAD stop lying.. I'll 9 heart you
http://gyazo.com/79dd1f46cea80eff0e678b86b8ba5899F it was fun playing with you but I got to study for school the ban helps me so I cant play
Finally! Yes thank you firo GG y'all. <3
1.Krishy10 2.eongod. 3. Hacking Kill aura. Watch the video carefully CAREFULLY! [media]
I got a sharp IV Smite 4 Fire 1 Gold Sword Bought it off someone when I first Joined the server.
No support I simply asked you for a titan pick axe on Op prison and You replied "No Fgt it costs Money Dumb @$$"
I cri *Sniffle Sniffle*
I think 15k is WAY TO MUCH I think like 5-8 k?
Yea Me and Mcnerd got that Dick Sense of Humor bish
Agreed I shrekt Mcnerd234 On badlion and he kept saying PINGER PINGER PINGER in the skype call like a Useless Squeaker
Brehh Makes no sense *Heart and a half* Bruh so your saying you land the same hits all the time in 1v1s? and I can beat yah.. 1v1 me
The best pvper on Mineverse for mehh issssssss THE KIT FIGHT NUBS!
UncleUrnesto Is super duper ezzz.. I told him to record a video With me 1v1ing on kohi he did I beat him 6 times and he beat me once He hasint...
I can beat yah m8