If this thread does close or be moved I will for sure make a new one M@fia is not stopping. Yes Marcus is lobby banned no it wasn't him... I'm not...
No it is not. We are not breaking apart at all. M@fia and it's members are going through some "Beef" together but we a re not at all "Breaking...
You should apply if you're interested if you do i'll read it over and show it to M@fia :)
you smell like rat
any new applications? i'm willing to read and check back with marcus :)
eZ kids
[Edited] don't call me honey i've probably played mv longer than u.
yes good juan i will literally give u rotis
contact me n1gga im on kohi at 6 pm est everyday around there
ma .
this still play holy ur mlg. its meh kid
Hello dere. my name is krishy10 and i like to eat chocolate. Anyway. back to the point. I feel that I would be an amazing mod by stealing peoples...
ily 2 bab4e
vat nu I am smarter than ju
like what suck each other off yea right m9 they all no lyfes and you now it :) <3
but what! I worked to hard!!! NO! PLZ I FAN I TEM PLS PLS
very not sorry no english
Oh shat I forgot to tag very important people. @KitfightNub @Krishy10 @zStrafe @Fartsicle @Pile_of_Butts @Mr.Shat @zOgLuke @andkrishy10 thank...
Hello dere comrads. I was thinkin bout this so I am ready to be moderator of this minecrafffp serper my ign is krusty100 and I am accepting to...