I used the love Super Craft Bros. My favorite kit was Cactus. DON'T JUDGE ME!!
Pretty sure it's over xD
Right, they should add a couple or 1 extra prison to each rank, depending on how much the rank costed.
It would be nice for them to make sme sort of an adminshop, maybe even add more permissions (commands) for he defaults. :D
He has said this before, it may be cause of your connection, the servers' connection, or even the amount of plug-ins that are in the game. The...
Support. Just cause a Mod doesn't like a section, doesn't mean they should still do their volunteering act to monitor the chat in those sections.
Support. Can't play the game right. D;
I think they just need to add more "secret" sections in the map that makes the map more sophisticated.
Can't support this any more, too many "drunk" is what I called teens on that server or even little kids just cussing people out like no tomorrow.
Like the idea. :)
I like these games, I have high hopes for them adding this, it may even attract more players to the server :)
Basically what @SomeGuy said :P
Maybe for the Gods, they can disable /heal in infection?
But you gotta know, there will always be that one dweeb who spams the suicide and lags the server (don't know if that effects the server or not.)
I think he means, when you get a certain amount of kills, you get a certain points for achieving that. Like the idea, just needs a little "touch-up"
Capture the flag :D
Good luck. Maybe make the text a little smaller?
Good luck.
Support btw you're hot :> (I hit on every girl, don't be worried :D)