Hi, Is anyone doing rank upgrades? I want premium and am offering all of my money (60k) to anyone who buys me it or a full titan set i got. I want...
[IMG][IMG][IMG] @PopIs_MyLife
Excuse me fellow people of the universe, whenever i go on to creative n such. All i see is "TPA FOR A SEX CLUB" Or Some random school Roleplay....
Hello everyone, I have decided to come here as many of my friend's come here. :) Such as @WolfWhisperer @ItzMadi @Pink Etc. I am a very humorous/...
hello my name is javid I am new to mineverse and I really like it so far I posted a thread in the wrong spot earlier (noob mistakes) and I want to...
Hello my name is Javid and I a new to minevere I heard it was a good server so I decided and I like it so far. I want to introduce myself you guys...