LOL. I hope his power trips of doxing/ddosing/swatting people were worth the prison time. Enjoy the showers, Thomas!
cOnGrats oN beIng #6 fOLLowEd
Not a problem since there server is running on a 1.8.8 jar! As much as it is fun to knock people back with a knockback 30 stick, it is very...
Support. How am I supposed to have fun when my Kill Aura doesn't work? :mad:
The issue is that they are separate plugins. I think it could be changed so that when a vote party happens, all players online are given access to... Hmmmm
The only reason why it's disabled is because of time. Back in 2013/2014 before Async and FAWE came out, commands like //replace were blocked over...
I think you should remove the bold in your paragraphs.
If you get "timed out" then it's a client side issue with not being able to adequately download the chunks. There's been a lot of suggestions in...
Where are you connecting from? Pretty sure the server is still hosted in Montreal, so if you're connecting from Australia your latency will be...
plz stop advertising ur profile on ded websites
That's not true.
With respect, there is not going to be another Administrator, at least for a long time. There is no person that is going to administrate for free....
water malone
guess you'll have to make well with lapis blocks
Focus on one project at a time. Seriously... if you too much at once you'll burn yourself out which will affect the quality of the gamemode.
Ur a cool and friendly dude. Support.
People need to stop with their lengthy overcomplicated posts. It's a rather simple answer. You need staff who care and have the ability to bring...
Typing "Support" or "No Support" with out any feedback or insight to as why you support someone's application is stupid and is understandable to...
Just add a cooldown in boosCooldowns. @Noobcrew