I got the Black Ops III Razer Goliathus mouse pad, already ordered that and the DeathAdder Chroma. With the Razer Ferox speakers. Yeah, I like...
I see that now xD Also, the DPI is higher, maybe a few more small tweaks.
Alright, sounds good.
Accepted. Member.
Sounds good.
That sucks.
TheNick hacked his forums. Sorry :/
You just said you were Zero_Inzanity..
You're just bringing this up now? You're Zero_Inzanity?
Wario said to ask you why he hacked. Why'd he hack?
If you can't get that: PurgatoryGates HellBound I can't think of more right now.
I just threw them out there. You want more?
Also, let me see your profile.
Leviathan LeviathanPvP WindigoPvP GhoulPvP FeroxPvP Or something with one of those words in it. PossessivePvP Infernal InfernalPvP InfernoPvP...
@Ares_Xena does this REALLY have to stay open?
Why is he banned? @Mega @fryzigg
This isn't really a discussion..
I wouldn't want it on my desk.