Thanks It means a lot coming from you :)
Thanks <3 your a great friend and you do make me happy :)
thanks for your opinion, not everyone supports applications. :)
Thanks for your opinion but i have devoted to change, and just to clear up i don't hack :) but thanks for your imput
ok thanks :)
thanks @Flyntintarentino
thanks @brazil's brother :)
Thanks for the support @TureMu , as you know there has been some rumours and ill be sure to clear them up.
Correct :3 @L1GHTN1NG5C0P3R
Ill fix this right away! thanks for the mention. :p
thanks @L1GHTN1NG5C0P3R <3
@Foe Thanks for the feedback, ill get right to fixing all the grammar mistakes, also ill clear the rumour up. :)
Ok, thanks @KingAlex ill add more info. :)
About me: Hello, before I start I would like to introduce my self to everyone reading this. My name Is Lachlan, I am Australian and have two older...
Hi There, I Have Come Across 2 things 1 is the intro to the video, as you will see he has advertised in chat spamming that so i ignored him but i...
And Whats the correct section so then i know were to post hackers and things like this.
No, i was on op prison and i said lets 1v1 then 1v1 aidencrafts and then he msged me that.
Hi, 321Soulseeker123 i believe is his name has /msged me a server advertising it. is this bannable? if please ban him! Thanks
Hi There, I Was Recording And Happen To Come Along Some Hackers, Here Is A Link to the clip. Enjoy :) [media]